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Informationen für Flüchtlinge - ДОПОМОГА ХВОРИМ НА РОЗСІЯНИЙ СКЛЕРОЗ

Допомога українцям, хворим на розсіяний склероз

Інформація та допомога для українських біженців з діагнозом розсіяний склероз та осіб які супроводжують їх – Информация для беженцев из Украины и помощников – Advice for refugees from Ukraine and aides - Informationen für geflüchtete Menschen mit MS aus der Ukraine und Helfer

Die DMSG hilft mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Gemeinnützigen Hertie-Stiftung

Dank eines finanziellen Zuschusses durch die Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung konnte die DMSG bundesweit eine zentrale Stelle einrichten, um Geflüchteten auch juristisch fundierte Hilfe zukommen zu lassen.

  • Kontakt über dmsg@dmsg.de.

Ansprechpartnerin für an MS erkrankte Flüchtende aus der Ukraine:

Dr. Alina Beckermann

Die promovierte Volljuristin beherrscht Russisch und Ukrainisch und wird dem Bundesverband als Referentin für Flüchtlingsfragen an zwei Tagen in der Woche (dienstags- und donnerstagsvormittags) dabei behilflich sein, Anfragen von geflüchteten MS-Betroffenen aus der Ukraine telefonisch und schriftlich zu bearbeiten und unterstützt bei der Koordination von Hilfen.

Neu im Team ist Ekateryna Misiura. Sie ist seit 2022 in Deutschland und arbeitet als Sozialarbeiterin (Bc.). 

Die DMSG stellt spezielle Informationen in ukrainischer Sprache bereit, um den Zugang zu den MS-Therapien für Geflüchtete zu ermöglichen. DMSG-Mitarbeiter mit ukrainischen oder russischen Sprachkenntnissen ermöglichen weitere Hilfe und Beratung.

Flüchtende aus der Ukraine können sich auch an die Kontaktstellen der DMSG-Landesverbände wenden. 
Eine Übersicht mit den Kontakten in den einzelnen Bundesländern finden Sie 

Die DMSG begrüßt die Entscheidung, dass die Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine Leistungen nach den Sozialgesetzbüchern in Anspruch nehmen können und nicht nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz. Allerdings darf dieser Wechsel der Zuständigkeiten nicht zu Lasten der Flüchtlinge und ihrer Versorgung erfolgen. „Menschen, die aus der Ukraine zu uns fliehen, um vor den Schrecken des Krieges in Sicherheit zu kommen, leiden bereits allein aufgrund der Kriegssituation“, so Bundespräsident a.D. Christian Wulff, Schirmherr des DMSG-Bundesverbandes. „MS-Erkrankte tragen eine zusätzliche Belastung mit sich, da zum Beispiel die Medikamentenversorgung und medizinische Betreuung sichergestellt werden müssen. Das kann Unsicherheiten auslösen, denen die DMSG vorausblickend entgegenwirken möchte.“

General Information upon your arrival and stay in Germany

When do refugees from Ukraine need a residence permit?

-     People from Ukraine normally need a permit to entry and stay in Germany legally for a longer period of time. This permit is called a “residence permit”. Because of war in Ukraine, an exception to these rules has been made.

       So for the time being, war refugees from Ukraine do not need a residence permit. However, this does not apply forever; the regulation is initially limited until August 31, 2022.

-      After August 31, 2022 war refugees from Ukraine will certainly need a residence permit.
       According to the current status it is sufficient if the application for the residence permit will be submitted to the local immigration authority by August 31, 2022 at the latest

-      Important: Latest from the moment that war refugees from Ukraine ask for state support in Germany in the form of accommodation, care, or social benefits (such as financial support and medical care), a residance permit is required.

-      There exist different types of a resident permit. As a war refugee from Ukraine you deffinitely should apply for a residence permit pursuant to §24 AufenthG (German Residence Act - Granting Residence for Temporary Protection).  It will be granted with          immidiate effect.


When do refugees from Ukraine need a registration at their place of residence?

A registration is a confirmation that someone has notified the city that he or she has moved into an apartment or another accomodation. All people who move into an apartment have to register in Germany, including Germans. With a confirmation of registration, you can prove that you are currently registered at an address.

Important: Latest from the moment that war refugees from Ukraine ask for state support in Germany in the form of accommodation, care, or social benefits (such as financial support and medical care), registration is required. 

  • If you have not found private and permanent accommodation, you will normally be assigned to a certain place. To receive government support for accommodation, contact a reception center in your district. Anyone who lives in accommodation in the federal state or the municipality (city or municipality) is automatically registered.

Important: In this case, you should only apply for a residence permit when it is clear to which district you have been assigned. This is because the authorities responsible for this district are then also responsible for social benefits.

  • If, on the other hand, you can initially provide for yourself because e.g., you are living with friends or relatives, you are then free to choose your accommodation and will not be assigned. Then you have to be registered at the adress where your friends/relatives live latest from the moment you ask for social benefits.


  • If you want to stay in Germany and need MS therapy, you have to apply for a residence permit and to register at your place of residence.  Only then you can get a membership in a health insurance company, which covers the costs of your MS therapy.
  • Important:Even if you are not registered and do not have health insurance, you are entitled to medical help in an emergency. So, in the event of a medical emergency, don’t be afraid to go to the nearest hospital or call an ambulance. Unfortunately MS relapses are usually not emergencies! The medical emergency is defined as a sudden event that poses an immediate threat to the life and health of the patient. You can read more about emergencies in the  "Emergency" chapter (https://handbookgermany.de/en/live/emergencies.html). 

How to get medical insurance?

Every person who lives in Germany is obligated to get a medical insurance!   

  • Refugees from Ukraine in need of financial help of social benefits (such as financial support for rent, food, clothing or medication) can submit an application for unemployment benefit called ALG II (also known as Harz IV) to the Jobcenter of the respective place of residence.

If your application for ALG II (Harz IV) is approved, you will automaticly get access to the statutory health insurance (in German: gesetzliche Krankenkasse) and thus also to the social long-term care insurance

  • Refugees from Ukraine in need of social help who are older the 65 years or unable to work submit an application for basic security in old age (in German: Grundsicherung) to the Jobcenter of the respective place of residence.

If your application for Grundsicherung is approved, you will automaticly get access to the statutory health insurance (in German: gesetzliche Krankenkasse) and thus also to the social long-term care insurance

  • Persons who have fled Ukraine but are not in need of social benefits are granted the right to voluntarily join the statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance. (This possibility concerns only very rich people or people who are able to continue working for their company and whos salary is enough to cover all their costs in Germany. If you are not sure if you have a claim for financial support, don’t hesitate and ask at the Jobcenter)

How to apply for unemployment benefit according to ALG II (Harz IV) or Grundsicherung?

  • Anyone who is able to work and who is older than 18 and younger than 65 years old submits an application for unemployment benefit according to ALG II (also known as Harz IV) to the job center of the respective place of residence. This way you (and your children) get financial support according to the Second or Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB II or SGB XII), including financial support for rent, food, clothes etc. In return, the applicant undertakes to take part in language and integration courses and to look for a job.
  • Anyone who is older the 65 years or unable to work submits an application for basic security in old age (in German: Grundsicherung) to the Jobcenter. This also includes financial support for rent, food, clothing, etc. according to the Second or Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB II or SGB XII).

Prerequisites for receiving ALG II (Harz IV) or Grundsicherung are:

  • Residence permit according to § 24 AufenthG (Section 24 Paragraph 1 of the Residence Act) or proof that you have applied for a residence permit according to § 24 AufenthG (fictional certificate). The application for the residence title according to § 24 AufenthG is submitted to the foreigners authority of the place of residence

Identification service process: To receive a residance permit according to § 24 AufenthG there has to be made an identification treatment. This means that your photos and fingerprints must be recorded in the Central Register of Foreigners. The foreigner’s authorities are responsible for this. As not every local foreigner’s authority has the required equipment, sometimes the local police takes over the identification service and takes the photos and fingerprints.

  • Registration at your place of residence
  • Application for membership in a statutory health insurance company (in German: gesetzliche Krankenkasse) and the certificate from this statutory health insurance company about your membership application  There are many different statutory health insurance companies in Germany. You are free to choose one of them. In general, they offer very similar services at a similar price. In the case of language barriers, it is advisable to choose the health insurance company that has a branch close to where you live.
  • You have to have an german bank account

From what point are you insured and can go to the doctor?

  • You have health insurance from the day on which you applied for ALG II (Harz IV) or Grundsicherung. The prerequisite is that your application has been approved. If the application for ALGII or Grundsicherung is approved, the health insurance company you chose will be informed by the job center.
  • Normally the health insurance company will write to you and welcome you as a new member. Then you will get your health insurance card. You need to submit a photo for this.
  • However, issuing the health insurance card takes some time.
  • If you want to see a doctor after receiving the approval notice from the job center but before you receive your health insurance card, you should inform the health insurance company and ask them to fax the doctor a confirmation of cost coverage.
  • It also may happen that you need medical help, but your application for ALG II (Harz IV) or Grundsicherung has not yet been approved. In this case, please contact your health insurance company.

Important: In case of emergency you are always entitled to medical help. So, in the event of a medical emergency, don’t be afraid to go to the nearest hospital or call an ambulance.

What costs will be covered by the health insurance?

Your insurance will cover the costs of the full catalogue of services that the statutory health insurances must offer.

  • Doctors, including neurologists, can be consulted and MS therapy can be started or continued. If you go a doctor you just need your health insurance card. Your doctor and your health insurance company will regulate the assumption of costs with each other
  • The same applies for the medically ordered examinations (e.g. MRT scans)
  • Also the costs for the prescribed medication are covered by the health insurance for the most part. You have to co-pay only a small contribution to the cost of medication in the pharmacy. The own contribution is usually 5 to 10 euros.

Notice: There is a load limit even for those small contributions. If you receive Harz IV or Grundsicherung your load limit is 98,16 € per year; for chronically ill patients it is 49,08 €. After you have paid this amount of money you can apply for exemption from statutory co-payments. To do this, you have to contact health insurance company.

Refugees from Ukraine with physical or mental disabilities

Refugees from Ukraine in need of assistance are entitled to benefits under the Second or Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB II or SGB XII). In this way, you will have access to the statutory health insurance and thus also to the social long-term care insurance (§ 20 SGB XI) after approvement of your application for ALG II (Harz IV).

  • The insurance companies will also cover the costs for the special needs of people with care needs or impairment / disability (such as rollator or wheelchair, but also care products like dipers)
  • In order to better coordinate the care of refugees with a disability and/or care needs, the Federal Contact Point at the German Red Cross (DRK) was established.  You can reach the Federal Contact Point on the hotline at +49 (0)30/85404789 or on the Internet at https://drk-wohlfahrt.de/bundeskontaktstelle/
  • Also the organisation „Ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung“ (meaning: „Supplementary Independent Participation Advice“ and also called EUTB) advises people with disabilities nationwide. You can reach this organisation on the internet at
  • https://www.teilhabeberatung.de/
  • The association „mittendrin e.V.“ has created an information page in Ukrainian and Russian for people with physical or mental disabilities




  • The association BAG Selbsthilfe (federal group of self-help groups) has issued a web page dedicated to help refugees affected by various disabilities from Ukraine. Use in order to reache the page the following link:



 How to apply for a disabled card

  • As a recognized person with disabilities in Ukraine, you have the opportunity to apply during your stay in Germany for a disability card, which gives you access to various benefits.  

For example people who are significantly impaired in their freedom of movement on the road or people with significant walking and/or standing disabilities pay less fort he public transport. In some cases their attendant.You may also pay lower entrance fees in musiums, theaters, swimming pools etc.

  •   Therefor you have the option to submit your application for a disabled card electronically (form to be find on  office‘s website). Your data will be transmitted in encrypted form to the branch office of the State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family (Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Familie) responsible for    your place of residence.
  •   There is no need to send your original or copies of your Ukrainian disability card to testify status of disability.


Links to government websites 

  •   Federal Ministry oft he Interial and Community (Website also in Russian and Ukranian language)



  •   Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Website also in Russian and Ukranian language)



  •   Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Website also in Russian and Ukranian language)



  •   Federal Employment Agency (Website also in Russian and Ukranian language)




Non-profit organisations helping refugees:

  •  The Refugee Council of the state/city you are living
  •  Medinetz – a large number of cities are running such an organisation. As a rule, all employees, both mediators and those treating, work on a voluntary basis. The spectrum of those treating you ranges from doctors and psychotherapists to nurses, midwives, physiotherapists and physiotherapists to alternative practitioners. Interpreters often help on a voluntary basis as well. Costs incurred, mostly for materials, medicines or complex operations that cannot be carried out on an outpatient basis, i.e. under certain circumstances even if free treating physicians are not available, are financed by donations.
  • Gesundheit für Geflüchtete – facilitation for health vouchers. These networks have been working for many years in 33 locations in Germany to provide healthcare to refugees and migrants who do not have sufficient healthcare cover ( present in Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Dusseldorf, Freiburg, Göttingen, Giessen, Hannover, Jena, Kiel, Leipzig, Magdeburg and Marburg). The multidisciplinary team that produces it works full-time in fields such as human medicine, psychology, health science and law.
  •   Caritas Deutschland and Diakonie Deutschnald offices for clothes. These type of organisations are present all over the country
  •   AWO stands for Arbeiterwohlfahrt, meaning Parity Welfare Association. This walfare association helps help poor people, refugees, people with disabilities and their families in different ways. These type of organisations are present all over the country
  •   Tafel Deutschland is an organisatiom which helps poor people by giving them free food. These type of organisations are present all over the country.
  •   Local churches

Internationale Zusammenarbeit der MS-Gesellschaften

Auch auf europäischer Ebene sind die MS-Gesellschaften über die Europäische MS-Plattform (EMSP) verbunden und unterstützen sich gegenseitig, insbesondere aber derzeit die besonders engagierten nationalen MS-Gesellschaften in Polen, der Slowakei, Rumäniens und Ungarns. Kontakt zu Mitgliedern der ukrainischen MS-Gesellschaften bzw. einzelnen Gruppen besteht ebenfalls und hilft dabei mit, Geflüchteten mit MS notwendige MS-Therapien zu vermitteln.


Bundesinnenministerium Pressemitteilung (4.4.2022) Befragungvon Geflüchteten: 84Prozent sind Frauen, 58Prozent sind gemeinsam mit ihren Kinderngeflüchtet und BMI (4.4.2022), Befragungukrainischer Kriegsflüchtlinge

DMSG-Bundesverband - 14.07.2022 (aktualisiert 25.07.2022)
Redaktion: DMSG-Bundesverband - 14.07.2022 (aktualisiert 25.08.2022)
